The Atomtex AT1320C is suitable for the measurement of volume activity and specific activity of gamma emitting radionuclides in water, foodstuff, agricultural raw materials and fodder, industrial raw materials, forestry products, building materials, soil and other objects of environment. The measurement process includes preliminary analysis of sample radionuclide composition. Identification results will be used as basis for calculation of sample radionuclide activity. This Gamma activity monitor operates based on the detection unit pulse-height distribution analysis. The data can be assessed via a PC software designed to control operation modes, view recorded information, calculate gamma radionuclide activity and measurement error for chosen measurement geometry, as well as managing electronic history log of measurement results.
For more details, please refer to the datasheet.
- Spectrometric smart probe
- Internal continuous automatic LED stabilisation of gamma counter energy scale, calibration integrity monitoring and automatic calibration with integrated KСl sample
- Automatic radionuclide identification
- Automatic background subtraction
- Sample activity measurement for materials with wide density range
- Can be used in both stationary and mobile radiation monitoring laboratories
- Methodological and metrological support of measurements
- Measurement result log